Language entries
Robert Clausecker
2010-08-10 01:45:03 UTC
Hi team!

I've found an error in the language menu:

The very latest entry (zh_TW) is not "闽语 (mǐnyǔ)", rather this and the
entry before should be changed like this:

AddLanguageItem("中文(简体)simplified Chinese", "zh_CN");
AddLanguageItem("中文(正體)traditional Chinese", "zh_TW");

In my opinion, it would be the very best to have the languages names
like this:

- English (English)
- German (Deutsch)
- French (Français)
- Chinese, trad. (简体中文)
- Chinese, simpl. (正體中文)
- ...

I hope you find this usefull.

Yours, Robert Clausecker
2010-08-10 07:09:53 UTC
Post by Robert Clausecker
AddLanguageItem("中文(简体)simplified Chinese", "zh_CN");
AddLanguageItem("中文(正體)traditional Chinese", "zh_TW");
Really? So it is not really zh_TW (which I assumed to be Taiwan's chinese).

On another hand, this is much simpler like this, but C++ source files
aren't supposed to contain anything but ANSI characters afaik. The only
solution is having those strings in an xml file, but then we would
decrease maintainability.

